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Cérémonie d'inauguration du centre de formation
professionnelle agricole de Bobangui

La société SIAD a été honorée par un lauréat

pour son excellence en innovation durable

France 24 reportage télévisé « Jean-Luc Tété, entrepreneur agricole en RCA. La Centrafrique est son immense potentiel agricole enfin exploité »

Nairobi, Kenya, 7-9 Mai 2024 : Le Président de la république de la Centrafrique, Faustin-Archange Touadéra explique comme l’agriculture régénérative est un atout pour la santé des sols

The Central African Republic and the SIAD welcome the consensus reached on the necessary exit from fossil fuels. This crucial breakthrough paves the way towards carbon neutrality by 2050, thus respecting the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, as set by the Paris Agreement.

Faced with the acceleration of climate change and the growing damage inflicted on the most vulnerable countries, such as the Central African Republic, a strong and determined response from the international community is required.

In this context, SIAD is resolutely committed to the implementation of sustainable agriculture.

Despite the vulnerability of the Central African Republic due to its poverty, the country has wealth that we are committed to protecting and developing thanks to our teams on site.

Official launch ceremony of the Agroforestry project

Agro-forestry practice and
regenerative agriculture practice

Visit by French Ambassador Bruno Foucher to the BoBangui regenerative agriculture and agroforestry site

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