44% of CAR's population suffers from malnutrition and 6% of people here are severely malnourished. CAR is in an emergency situation with food supply and quality.
The goal of HORUS Impact’s large-scale food security production project is to produce urgently needed food, in the qualities and quantities needed to alleviate the current emergency, and also act as a sustainable food security solution for the longer term. And to produce locally.
Cereals are a major staple in many African homes contributing significant amounts of energy and protein, but they are limited in essential amino acid lysine. Legumes are protein and amino acid rich foods, but lacking in sulphur-containing amino acids. The combination of cereals and legumes improves the protein and nutrient density needed for quality food products. HORUS Impact’s regenerative agriculture companion planting strategies allow for the production of both of these key components to health and nutrition.
The common challenge faced in food emergency situations is that due to their high nutritional values, these food products are susceptible to deterioration and fungal contamination, especially when major storage and shipping logistics are required. By implementing local production solutions, HORUS Impact can have a major effect on the current challenges faced in CAR, while also tapping into a direct and immediate market for goods.
In responding to severe malnutrition, the immediate goal of the HORUS Impact team is to locally produce large quantities or cereals. This large volume production will allow us to keep prices low and affordable so that we can serve the most people possible.
Enriched products with advanced nutritional virtues will be introduced as production allows, with cassava, as our priority target.
Indicators of project impacts will include:
How many people have overcome malnutrition?
How many children have overcome malnutrition?